Vegan linzensaus - Daal

Deze daal is eigenlijk de jus van de Hindoestanen en is heerlijk op rijst of zelfs als soep met stukjes tomaat en spinazie. Je bereid dit eigenlijk met gele linzen te koop in de toko maar je kan het natuurlijk met alle linzen of erwten maken.

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Chicken-curry potatoe casserole

You can prepare this casserole with chicken legs or wings, sweet potatoes, onions and tomatoes in 10 minutes in an oven dish and your oven does all the work. After 40 minutes, turn the chicken over and cover it again with foil. When you come downstairs, there is a wonderful smell in the kitchen. Cooking in the oven is like fooling everyone, because the oven does all the work and you don't have to worry about getting tough or bone-in meat deliciously tender...

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Vegan Veggie Curry

Did you know that this vegetable curry is made in 15 minutes and that even carnivores love it! We also regularly eat vegetarian, such as a brunch every Sunday with a vegan curry,. We use the leftover prepared vegetables as well as fresh vegetables from our refrigerator. A lot of Hindus are vegetarian and there is also an increasing demand for vegetarian dishes in the West. Make the dish below with our curry rub to which you only need to add tomatoes and onions. This dish warms you up, makes you happy and is sooo easy...

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Fish in curry

Whole Fish in curry I can't believe I can rub a whole fish with the curry rub and some tomatoes in a baking dish and not have to do anything to it. The solution if you love fish like I do and can enjoy this festive dish at the end of a busy day.

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